First day of school and camping…

Last week Max started his school year. He still has some subjects that carried over for a few days, weeks and in a couple cases months, but I consider it the first day of school. He started a new Math, Latin, and enrichment on August 3rd. To say that last week went badly, is an understatement. That is likely why the blog didn’t get updated. At least 2 days ended with me in tears, and pretty much every day ended with him in tears. This week I changed my approach and it went MUCH better. I have decided that when Max doesn’t want to do an assignment for whatever reason, it will turn into “homework” for him. So he will have to do it at night. This makes it so we can get everything done that I set out to do, and it also puts everything on him if he wants desert that night, as he can’t have it if he has any homework left.

We also went on our first camping trip without Fenway this weekend. He had a good time without us, and we had fun without him, though Nathaniel would be the first to admit that we all missed him. 🙁

The boys playing with trucks in the window

The boys playing with trucks in the window


Peach picking!

Peach picking!








Max working on cursive.

Max working on cursive.


We are planning on getting a program that would make his writing more relevant. He is VERY reluctant to do writing for the sake of learning writing, so I think if I do it as a learning tool for other subjects he will do better with it. This was some of my frustration last week.

Nathaniel playing with a baby doll.

Nathaniel playing with a baby doll.


Having fun in the sand at the camp ground!

Having fun in the sand at the camp ground!

This is a ship at the campground.

This is a ship at the campground.





The boys playing in the sand.

The boys playing in the sand.

Fenway at his camp. He is the one in the middle next to the lady.

Fenway at his camp. He is the one in the middle next to the lady.

Family shot! This is at the campground.

Family shot! This is at the campground.

We took a short drive to the shore and stopped at a shopping area. This is the view from it. It was really cold.

We took a short drive to the shore and stopped at a shopping area. This is the view from it. It was really cold.

Even though it was cold, there were still people in the water park! Brrrrrr!!

Even though it was cold, there were still people in the water park! Brrrrrr!!

This was a store in a ship.

This was a store in a ship.

The ship was completely on land!

The ship was completely on land!

Nathaniel looked so sad when he woke up one morning.

Nathaniel looked so sad when he woke up one morning.


He perked up when we went to Dairy Queen, he got chocolate that we brought with us.

He perked up when we went to Dairy Queen, he got chocolate that we brought with us.



This is how Max sleeps. Yeah I don't get it either.

This is how Max sleeps. Yeah I don’t get it either.

Nathaniel's new favorite activity. He just hangs there!

Nathaniel’s new favorite activity. He just hangs there!

Here is Max swimming. Amazing how far he has come!!

Here is Nathaniel getting excited watching Back to the Future. Who would have thought that a 30 year old movie would one of the favorites in this house?

Here is the reason why in New Jersey you have to be 18 to drive. Thankfully Max has another 11 years to learn to stay on the road!

I have a lot of sewing that I need to do before our next camping trip. So that should be fun! Nathaniel finally sees his allergist for allergy testing next Monday so that is a big day for all of us! Hopefully things will go well. 🙂