
Okay first off I had planned to do an 11 day Sugar Detox starting tomorrow. However I ran into a huge problem. That is both Max and I REALLY can’t afford to loose weight. I know I lost about 15 lbs when I went on the 21 day detox in January, which I have yet to gain back fully, so I can’t do it. So instead I will be making my flag for this event on the 19. https://www.facebook.com/events/923511941049863/933352850065772/ Please feel free to join me if you want.

Now to family stuff!

Nathaniel got a BIG truck for his birthday!

Nathaniel got a BIG truck for his birthday!


The boys enjoying camping!

The boys enjoying camping!


Again, notice the miserable dog under the table... yeah he will not be coming with us on the next 3 camping trips.

Again, notice the miserable dog under the table… yeah he will not be coming with us on the next 3 camping trips.



a view from our campground

a view from our campground

Having s'mores! (except Nathaniel who is having just his paleo graham crackers and chocolate).

Having s’mores! (except Nathaniel who is having just his paleo graham crackers and chocolate).


Tony with a s'more.

Tony with a s’more.

Max with a s'more

Max with a s’more

Dentist day! How tall are we now?!

Dentist day! How tall are we now?!

We had a few minutes of down time with this camping trip so I did this video. I hope you like it. I explain what we use when we camp. Oh and yes it really does all fit into the back of our minivan. When it is all up I often wonder if I have Hermimie’s beaded bag, but no, it does all fit into the back of our Odyssey.

Max swimming

This last video I caught today. Max actually read to Nathaniel a couple of times today but this is the latest. Too cute and really shows their relationship. πŸ™‚

We had fun camping this last weekend. We went to a state park and it was fun. Everyone but Fenway had fun at least. It did get a bit cold at night so I know that I need to bring another blanket if I think the temperature is going to be cold. Funny too as it was hot when we would go to bed, we woke up freezing though!

We are not camping this weekend but will be again soon!

In other news, I took the boys to the eye doctor yesterday and Max is a bit near sighted with an Astigmatism. Not awful, 20/30 vision, but he will need glasses before he starts driving. Which in New Jersey is 18 thankfully! Nathaniel also has a bit of an astigmatism. BOTH boys though can see in 3D (Tony can’t) and have their eyes straight. πŸ™‚

Today they went to the dentist and everything is good there. They are recommending Max to get some sealants on his permanent teeth. We are still thinking about that.

Tomorrow marks 9 years since I had the triplets. Hard to believe it has been that long. I tested Max today and he can’t even say the name of his sister. I don’t think he really gets it, or if he does, it is just ancient history for him. I asked him what we should do tomorrow and he thought we should have a cake. Not sure I want to do that, but it is an interesting thought.