Wow! Has it really been 10 days!

We got Max’s Math, Spelling, and writing curriculum. I will show more of that in a minute. We have also not been doing too much out of the ordinary.

Nathaniel before bed one day.

Nathaniel before bed one day.



I got some toys for Nathaniel to play with while Max does his schoolwork. So of coarse, Max had to try them out!

I got some toys for Nathaniel to play with while Max does his schoolwork. So of coarse, Max had to try them out!

Nathaniel being cute on the floor.

Nathaniel being cute on the floor.


Max's spelling program.

Max’s spelling program.

Max using the spelling program (he had to put the letters in order).

Max using the spelling program (he had to put the letters in order).

We did get snow and Tony and Max made a Snow Dalak (Dr. Who reference). I thought I had photos of it but I don’t see them now. Hmmm…

Max’s math program, Shiller Math, I have no photos of, but we are having fun with it. It is a bunch of short lessons, normally we do 2 a day, that we can go back to if need be. He has been having fun with it! I will try to take photos next time we do it. It is really hard to explain.

We are in the process of getting him a new reading program that should be here any day now. That should be fun. It is tied to the spelling program.

Max finally is on a t-ball team. He is in the navy blue team, so he will look quite patriotic when he goes to the plate (with the red helmet). No schedule has been set yet.

On Wednesday I got fitted for a tooth crown and this meant that Tony had to watch both boys on his own. He sent me a text half way through saying he knows why I “go insane” everyday now. Ha ha! This job isn’t as easy as it looks.

Well that is all I have for now.