Well we made it through the detox…

Well we made it through the sugar detox. Tony lost weight. I am starting to gain it SLOWLY so that is good. It forced us to be Paleo this whole time and that has been intresting. Normally we have a snack or a meal that isn’t Paleo once or twice a week. However eating Paleo has been nice. I like not having to say no to Nathaniel all the time when it comes to food. Though I do still as he can’t have nightshades and the rest of us eat them.

We are in the middle of snow storms right now. This is cool! I just wish it wasn’t that heavy wet stuff and a bit more of it. But hey, can’t have everything.

Nathaniel at batting practice.

Nathaniel at batting practice.

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Sausage and carrot muffins on 21 day sugar detox.

Sausage and carrot muffins on 21 day sugar detox.

Nathaniel in his new carseat.

Nathaniel in his new carseat.

The boys in a mess.

The boys in a mess.

Nathaniel eating a scotch egg

Nathaniel eating a scotch egg

Dentist time! How tall is Max!

Dentist time! How tall is Max!

And how tall is Nathaniel!

And how tall is Nathaniel!

Happy Baby!

Happy Baby!


Yes that is my boys watching the state of the union! They are well versed! (This was coverage on The Blaze so it wasn't just some politician rambling on.)

Yes that is my boys watching the state of the union! They are well versed! (This was coverage on The Blaze so it wasn’t just some politician rambling on.)


My family often wonders how I am able to travel in the snow out here without chains and or studs. This is why. This isn't snow on the road, it is salt... yeah there is a good reason why our fish don't look right in this state!

My family often wonders how I am able to travel in the snow out here without chains and or studs. This is why. This isn’t snow on the road, it is salt… yeah there is a good reason why our fish don’t look right in this state!

Max hitting last week.

And this week:

Max has another week of hitting clinic (maybe 2) but next Saturday he has a baseball try out to see what team he will be on. It is more to make sure all the jocks are not on one team and all the kids with 2 left feet are on another. They want them evened out. It will interesting to see where Max falls. 🙂