I tried… really I did…

On Friday I decided to dedicate my WHOLE day to trying to get well. I was tired of being sick and not able to do much, so I vegetated and waited for my cold to go away. It didn’t really. So I went to bed and to my shock Nathaniel woke me up SEVERAL times so by morning I was sort of “ugg!” I did my meal planning and we hit the grocery stores, came home and watched football. I was determined that after the Seattle game I would be able to go to sleep, be well rested and go to church!

NOPE! Nathaniel woke me up at 2 am. Then didn’t want to go back to sleep. At 3:30 I decided to go downstairs as he wasn’t sleeping. I put him in the playpen with some water and coconut flakes and proceeded to make ketchup at 4 am. Yeah not normal but I knew it needed to be done, and if I was going to be up, I might as well be productive. 😉 Around 5 am I was able to get him to go to sleep. Tony got up at about 6:30 to go to church and I said “yeah right!” rolled over and went back to sleep. Last I heard was Max was VERY asleep and that he was going to stay with me. 30 minutes later Nathaniel pees on me and I lay there in pee for the next hour. Finally I am clearly sleep deprived but I get up and try to keep Nathaniel quiet as to not wake up Max who must be still sleeping.

NOPE! He isn’t in his bed!! I freak out. Where is Max?? It is about 18 degrees outside so I frantically text Tony who says he has him (a bit too late). Thankfully it wasn’t anything bad. I then go downstairs and proceed to try to get some cooking done. After all I must prep for the week right? I get some done but then hit a wall from lack of sleep. That night I finally get a full night sleep and surprisingly I feel WAY better in the morning!

It is Monday. I have a full day of German Story time, Doctor for Nathaniel, and Max story/art time at the library. I am doing alright through it all then I get to the doctor and they tell me I am in the wrong office! After the day I had before I start second guessing myself but then I realize that with the day I had, I know I wouldn’t have scheduled it elsewhere. So they agree to reschedule me and not charge me. I get another full night rest.

I wake up yesterday ready for the swim class for Nathaniel. He has fun and does all that is asked, he just screams through it. Ha ha! We come home I try to finish the cooking I need to do, and then we take a nap and next thing I know it is night time. Last night I sleep through the night even better!

So as you can see it was just one thing after another after another. I think I am doing well with sleep and my cold is about 90% gone.

We are doing well with the detox. The food is really good, though I admit I need to eat more fat. It is always something. I will be talking more about the detox in the weeks and months ahead as we get closer to our 11 day memorial sugar detox! I think I need to start another page for that too. Will do that soon!

Okay here are some photos of the missing time:

Detox food

Detox food

detox food

detox food

baby eating

baby eating

detox food

detox food

detox food

detox food

detox food

detox food

detox food

detox food

brothers at work

brothers at work

brothers at play

brothers at play

brothers playing

brothers playing

detox eggs

detox eggs

detox chicken wings

detox chicken wings

seasoned sweet potato fries

seasoned sweet potato fries

detox lunch

detox lunch

moo-less mousse (with coconut)

moo-less mousse (with coconut)

Nathaniel enjoying his mousse

Nathaniel enjoying his mousse

Nathaniel REALLY enjoying his Mousse

Nathaniel REALLY enjoying his Mousse

Detox breakfast

Detox breakfast

Detox food

Detox food

family selfie

family selfie

Max says the G's are dreaming about a boat, wheelhouse, and tiny house.

Max says the G’s are dreaming about a boat, wheelhouse, and tiny house.

And the boys playing!