The last week…

Well the time really flew this week. I was just looking through photos and realized it has been a full week! Wow!

I am doing better with my cold. The boys and Tony are well though.

This is a loop scarf I whipped up the other day for myself. It keeps me warm and what more can I ask for?

This is a loop scarf I whipped up the other day for myself. It keeps me warm and what more can I ask for?

New Year's waffles! We made these on New Years.

New Year’s waffles! We made these on New Years.

Nathaniel sleeping.

Nathaniel sleeping.

Yummy salt and vinegar kale chips!

Yummy salt and vinegar kale chips!

Daddy reading time!

Daddy reading time!

Nathaniel decided to have a tantrum in church today. So naturally I pulled out my camera! ;)

Nathaniel decided to have a tantrum in church today. So naturally I pulled out my camera! πŸ˜‰

We started the 21 Day Sugar Detox today. Breakfast was good (Buffalo Chicken egg muffins) this was lunch. ;)

We started the 21 Day Sugar Detox today. Breakfast was good (Buffalo Chicken egg muffins) this was lunch. πŸ˜‰

We don’t have video this week.

I am going to try to do the Project 365 again this year. I have already missed a day, but I hope to make up for it the next day when that happens. πŸ˜‰ That way I am not completely derailed.

We started the 21 Day Sugar Detox today. I think I am having just as much trouble as Nathaniel. Max just seems to be a bottomless pit for snacks. I will have to see as the week progresses. However at the end of the day, I can do anything for 21 days.

I scheduled my oncologist appointment on Friday for the end of June. This will be for my 5 year remission check. Assuming all is well, I will be labeled statistically normal! I am at no greater risk to get cancer then if I never had it to begin with! YAY! Now I just need to figure out a way to celebrate. If you have any ideas, please let me know.

This week we are suppose to get snow, and freezing temperatures. Nathaniel starts a swim class on Tuesday, Max has a hitting (baseball) clinic on Wednesday, German on Thursday, and Swimming on Friday. All that and we get school in there somewhere too! However that means that I should have video at some point this week.