I only have a minute but…

Happy Festival of Lights (or Hanukkah) !

Nathaniel has been a bear all day today. I know he isn’t feeling well. Luckily Max has been good. I am taking a few moments while he wails in the other room with daddy to have a minute of me time.

The massive Nor'easter that hit us over the weekend.

The massive Nor’easter that hit us over the weekend.


Fred in some interesting spots!

Fred in some interesting spots!


On Saturday we went a bit wild at the Scholastic warehouse book sale. This is our haul.

On Saturday we went a bit wild at the Scholastic warehouse book sale. This is our haul.

The book sale was fun. We got 2 adult books and the rest we will use for schooling of one type or another. It should be interesting putting it on the bookshelf. I have started to do that and move other things. Bottom line is though, our 17 foot wall of knowledge needs to be added to! We knew it would be needed one day.

I am still trying to figure out our Christmas meals. I got the book Every Last Crumb the other day (e-version, if you go this route then go with the i-books version as it is formatted like a book). With that there is GRAIN free croissants! Nathaniel will finally be able to eat something most people take for granted. Then last night I got Yiddish Kitchen ebook (preorder but it came with things) this will eventually be able to give me Matzo ball soup, which is one thing I have been missing eating Paleo. It also gave me a recipe now for NO DAIRY cream cheese! So I am thinking of combining recipes and making cherry cheese danishes that NATHANIEL can even eat for Christmas morning!

The rest of the day we have went from Saurbrauten, then Tony wanted ham. I don’t like cured ham so I found a recipe to fresh ham that uses beer so I think that might be what we will have… watch, tomorrow may be different.

Well here is an amazing video to end with: