Our week..

We had a busy week this week. I had Monday off then I ran until today. ((Thud))

Tuesday we went to the farm for a pick up. Getting great produce from the farm. This week it included a winter squash and a pumpkin, as well as LOTS of tomatoes. We then had a quick lunch before racing off to take Max to Lego league and then music class. Max said he made some sort of automated car in lego league. Sounds cool! I drop him off there and then Nathaniel and I do our own thing for a bit. Music class he didn’t tell me anything about.

Wednesday we had swim class. Nathaniel SCREAMED through most of his class again. I think it is a combination of being tired and not wanting his face underwater on purpose. I need to figure out a way around this next session. We then had to pick up a book from the library and then we went to the doctor. Max is slightly underweight (54 inches tall, 48 lbs. They want him to be equal.) but otherwise healthy, and Nathaniel is doing well as well. Doctor said that I shouldn’t take him to an allergist till he is 2. I am just worried about finding another allergy on him. But I guess we will find out soon enough. After that we went to another library to get another book, I then spent a good portion of the evening trying to meal plan.

Thursday we finished meal planning, then went grocery shopping… well actually we went to a bank to try to get a cash advance as I like paying in cash for items. It helps save money. I don’t like getting cash though in amounts divisible by $20 though. So I went to one bank and they took a really long time to tell me they couldn’t do it. I then went to a second bank and was told the same thing! Finally I went to take Max to german class and went to another bank where we do have an account, they had closed 30 minutes prior. So I went to another bank where they happily did it for me and even were patient enough with me while I figured out how much I wanted out and how I wanted it. So that was a bright spot on a VERY long day. However when we got home, Tony was here and to his shock we got a shut off notice for our water! Shocked, Tony went through our records and we NEVER got a bill. Tony was able to resolve this after dealing with some VERY rude people (and thankfully I didn’t have to take the kids to a dangerous part of town where the office is). After he looked around online, he found out that they don’t have enough people to read meters, so they are not sending out bills, and just sending out shut off notices to people. LOVELY. I wish we could change water companies!

Friday I had to mail a package that I couldn’t mail on Thursday because I was 5 minutes too late to the post office (this was before the final 2 banks). So I get to the post office at 9:30 to find out that they don’t open till 10!! I roll my eyes and get ready for another one of “those” days. We go to a friend of our’s house so Max can work on German. He does well and the boys have a great time, however I forget my coat and don’t realize it till I get home. 🙁 An hour later (after another trip to the post office where said packages did go out!) I have my coat and I am at home. THUD!

I did have some bright spots on my week. Our electric tooth brush isn’t holding a charge very well and I can never get it to clean my teeth well. So I got another toothbrush. Tony liked our current toothbrush so he will still use the old one. The new one has more features then I will ever use and is quite nice. So that is good.

Max did well with his schoolwork this week which is admittedly fairly easy. We finished his last week of history for 1st grade, and did some math. Sadly his new schoolwork will not get here till Tuesday, so we will not be doing anything this week but science and math, as that is all we have right now.

Max started celebrating his birthday yesterday but not much. He opened a gift from my mother. This morning we let him open our gift to him. Tonight we are planing on having his birthday meal. Max has requested a full german meal. So I have had to figure out Paleo versions of what he wants. We will be having schnitzel (pork and veal), with a sweet potato spaetzel and probably green beans and gravy. For desert we will have a Paleo german chocolate cake, which isn’t german, but it is what he wanted. I will be taking photos of coarse!



This was a teardrop trailer I saw when Nathaniel and I were walking around while Max was in lego league.

This was a teardrop trailer I saw when Nathaniel and I were walking around while Max was in lego league.

Maximillian's birthday photo!

Maximillian’s birthday photo!