Okay this is better!

We have had a few busy weeks here. However here are the highlights:

Nathaniel saying "My silly brother is doing it wrong!"

Nathaniel saying “My silly brother is doing it wrong!”

Our Labor day turkey! What, doesn't everyone do this??

Our Labor day turkey! What, doesn’t everyone do this??

Nathaniel and the dog trying to be good.

Nathaniel and the dog trying to be good.

Mmmm sleep!

Mmmm sleep!

I had taken Nathaniel off my back after being at the farm and to my shock he stayed asleep!

I had taken Nathaniel off my back after being at the farm and to my shock he stayed asleep!

Nathaniel has girls chasing him already!

Nathaniel has girls chasing him already!

These are Paleo wraps that have suddenly become a staple in my house. The lefse iron is perfect for them!

These are Paleo wraps that have suddenly become a staple in my house. The lefse iron is perfect for them!

And now videos!!
Nathaniel playing in the kitchen September 5:

And Nathaniel playing ball on September 11:

We have had lego league, and our first swim classes (ever for Nathaniel, of the season for Max), german class and a library book club. Tons of fun!

Nathaniel did well at his swim class till he got his face a bit too wet then he decided he was tired. Hopefully next week will be better. Max did EXCELLENT in his swim class though! 🙂

This week we have an action packed week as well. Getting the van’s oil changed, german story time, german class, a music class is starting for Max, swimming, farm pick up, and grocery shopping are our highlights! Sadly fall t-ball has been canceled due to a lack of people wanting to do it.