Well okay,

I tried to update the blogging software that I had and there was a bug that made it so now I can’t write on the computer or upload photos. However I am able to write on my phone. I have a message on the blogging message board and hopefully this will be fixed soon.

Now to us. We had a nice Labor Day weekend. We went swimming at the ymca’s outdoor pool. This is a pool that normally you have to pay extra for but because of maintenance at the indoor pool we could use it. It was COLD and there were no locker facilities there. Nathaniel fell on the pool deck and got a knot on his head (that went quickly away thankfully). Before that, he was in the kiddie pool which was 9 inches deep, and he fell face first! To say Nathaniel was miserable is an understatement. Max was also cold. So we decides that that pool wasn’t for us.

For Labor Day itself we had turkey. Not traditional, but still tasty! We cooked it on our egg in the manor we did last thanksgiving.

Then we had an eggplant, tomato and pepper ratatouille. It was very tasty but Nathaniel had severe digestive issues with it. A few days later we started to suspect a nightshade allergy in him. So now we are taking off all nightshades. This means that we make separate small meals that are like ours but not. This has also translated into Nathaniel complaining that he wants my food. We will slowly introduce nightshades again to him and see what he may be able to have.

Well he is up so I will close for now!