Summer fun!

This first photo were taken while I was in the middle of updating the blog… as the power went out while I did that last time.

This is Nathaniel with a plumbers crack. Poor kid has no hips!

Max at our waterpark

Nathaniel eating blueberries with a side of creamed (no dairy) spinach.

I wanted to try out a birthday cake for Nathaniel. This isn’t an easy task given his restrictions. However we made a chocolate raspberry “cheese cake” for him. It is frozen and he loved it!IMG_3803



Nathaniel playing in the backyard.

This is the best! Nathaniel walking!!! Note: I am asking “Are you going to do it?” because right before this he took a couple of steps smiled looked up at me and said “I did it!”

Nathaniel is talking a ton but it isn’t like I can say he says ___ words and give you a list. It is more like he is saying things that are close to what they should be and we repeat back to him what we hear. However if you are listening you can hear what he is saying. Often Tony and I both hear the exact same thing.

We had a good 4th. We went shopping on that Friday, did some MUCH needed cleaning Saturday of our van. We emptied it completely out then vacuumed it, then put what we needed back. I don’t think we have ever done that. Tony and Max did a Home Depot kids clinic building workshop too. That was fun. Sunday we relaxed a bit and did what we needed to do for the week (pre cooking some stuff and such).

Max did fairly well with his first week of German lessons with me (online). We are still doing school through this week then he will have 2 weeks off. Today has been a challenge so I think he is already checking out. So that isn’t fun for either of us.

Nathaniel as you can see is doing well. Really close on walking. LOVES playing with his big brother and talking to the dog. LOVES eating too. I should also mention that Max has started to get upset when we are in the car and Nathaniel falls asleep. He looses his play buddy and he clearly doesn’t like that. It is really sweet. Nathaniel has been taking Max’s cars and making car noises while moving them around. TOO cute!

Not sure when I will be able to update again, but I will try not to make it too long. We have a VERY busy week next week with the kids dentist and Nathaniel’s 1 year doctor’s visit. Hard to believe my baby is already a year old (well at least on the 18)!