The life with a baby who is active…

I know I seem to be writing here less and there is a reason for that. First, every time I sit down to the computer, Nathaniel screams unless he hears Skype on. That is if I am here for more then 2 minutes. I am fast with writing blog posts, but not that fast. Secondly, I am also learning German, so that means for 10-15 minutes everyday I am on the computer and normally when that is done, I am tired of the screaming or figure that I can get back on “later” and that later just doesn’t happen.

So I am sorry for the big posts like I have to do.

Here is Nathaniel playing while Max is in German school.


Then he falls asleep!

The boys playing in the back of the van while we wait for daddy. We were meeting him for lunch this day.


This was today blueberry picking!

Here is Nathaniel trying to walk the other day. He is a bit better today but I haven’t got any really great videos of it yet. He likes to eat grass while he is practicing so it makes for some challenging times for mama!

In other news, as of last night, Nathaniel is 18 lbs. 10 oz! He is HUGE if you can’t tell from the photographs. He has gained about 2.5 lbs in 2 months. So he is getting big! He only has 2 oz to go to triple his birth weight (what the doctors look for) and clearly I think he will be even over that! So clearly we just needed to get past this dairy/soy thing with him. We have him eating a Paleo diet. I haven’t wanted to chance him eating anything else. So he does NOT eat: Dairy (of any kind), Soy, Legumes (this includes beans and even peanuts – I have a peanut intolerance so he likely will not be introduced this for a LONG time if ever), or any grains. This makes eating out a bit challenging with him, but I have found it isn’t THAT bad if you know what to ask for. The biggest things to watch out for I have found is making sure whatever he is eating isn’t cooked in something I don’t want him to have.

Today is a warm day so Max is outside playing in the wadding pool we got 3 years ago. We even had Nathaniel in it for a while. I have video of this but I haven’t uploaded it yet. See while I have been writing this post, we had a power outage so we did that during the outage and I don’t want to chance the good mood Nathaniel is in right now on uploading anything!

Max has finished his german school till the fall. I am going to be german with him at home in the meanwhile. I have also been taking my online german class which I have finished one class on. I have several more to go. We are still doing homeschooling and will likely continue it through the summer. With me having strep throat last week and we have a trip planned and family visiting soon, he will get breaks, but in the in-between, we will do school work. He is at a funny spot right now as he has 5 weeks left of English and History, a whole semester left of math, and nearly a whole year left of science. The main reason for the science is because the weather hated us for a while and it was impossible to do weather experiments. We also got that program half way through the year. Math we were focusing on the basics before moving forward, but now I think we can move forward and see how he does.

I think that is it. I can’t think of anything else that is new.