Where is my sleep?

Last week before German class.


Nathaniel waiting for Max in German class.


I had a dentist appointment this week and so the boys came with me. Nathaniel was asleep for half the other half he either was screaming for me or doing this. Yes he drooled down his arm and into my lap!


This week we got a lot of strawberries from the farm (4 quarts!) so we made Strawberry cake found here. Nathaniel really loved it (as did I!). 

Well we have had a doozy of a cold in our house this week. It is finally on the way out (I hope) but it has caused many sleepless nights so far. That has taken much of our “free time” as well as made it so no homeschooling could be done this week. I could have done it yesterday and today, but it is VERY hard to start a week on a Thursday so I would rather just start next week fresh. 🙂

I have been working on my german. It is slow going, even more so since I am the only one other then Max that is learning it, but I am trying to replace my english words with german when I can. Regularly I am using Danke, Bitte, Ja, and Nein. It is a start! I would like to get better with colors and numbers. I am nearly there with numbers but not quite.

Sorry no video of Max and his t-ball recently. I will try to get some up soon. He hit both balls that were pitched to him the last game. Hopefully he will do the same tomorrow.