Our week with my mother and step father…

Well my mother and step father came out on Thursday all prepared to see Max in 3 games this last weekend. Sadly it rained on Friday and that washed out not only Friday’s game, but Saturday’s as well. However we had fun going to the renascence fair and the greek festival and we also went to an amish market. So it wasn’t all that bad!

Nathaniel enjoying food in the playpen!


Max went to the salad bar and this is what he wanted. Yep his salad bar plate was healthier then mine!

Max trying on a polish war hat at the renascence festival.

Today we went and picked strawberries at our CSA! First of the season!

In other news I figured out a program for Max to learn German. There was a German story time yesterday at a nearby library. So I went to it hoping to find someone to teach Max. And I did! I can get him in a class that meets for the next 6 weeks. After that there is a bit of a break until September I think. The class is singing songs and playing but all while hearing everyone talking in German. This is more or less how Max learned english so I think it will work well for him.

I was also able to talk to a friend of mine who speaks fluent German (lived there for 5 years, married a German). She and her children are fluent and she has agreed to help Max (and I to a certain extent) learn german in exchange for me teaching her 5 year old daughter how to do a bit of sewing. This should be fun for both of us. So starting in 2 weeks we will be doing that. This can go over the summer and we are both flexible if things come up.

I am still working on Duolingo but I am thinking of adding Babble to it. Duolingo has gaps and I think babble will fill them. At least that is what I have read. Babble is also online based but it isn’t free. There are however, discounts should you look for them.

Okay well that brings everyone up to date! I will now post a separate message (maybe tomorrow) of Max’s game on Sunday.