Our week…

Max had a game on Saturday and that was nice. It was warm which is a lot more fun then when it is cold. We are also proud of Max because for the first time he didn’t play in the dirt when he was fielding he didn’t pay attention to where the ball was and once it went right by him and he just watched it, but hey, it was a step in the right direction!

Max’s first at bat:

Max’s second at bat:

He has a 3 game set this weekend (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) and so that should be good for him. He hopefully will not get rained out.

Here are some random photos of the week.





In other news, I have thought about it and I have decided to learn German and teach Max german. I figure by default Nathaniel will learn it too. It seems like it would be the best language for us to learn as it is no secrete I am still hoping that eventually Tony will get a job overseas for a bit. Learning German would be great for making him more attractive to companies in Europe.

I was able to find this program: www.duolingo.com which is free to learn another language. It is fun and great for me as an adult. It would also work for an older child that knows english and spelling well. This isn’t working for Max though. So I have had to look around to find a program for him. I think I may have found one as the library has Muzzy online. I may see how that works for him. There is another program I found as well but it isn’t free. Then there is Little Pim on Amazon Prime, and I have been able to find clips of the German version of Top Gear which Max also likes, on You Tube.

I have also tried to find a class for him to take around here but there isn’t much. There is a school 30 minutes away that only meets on Saturday Mornings. However I would also be able to take German lessons at the same time. Then there is another school 1 hour away that meets during the week, but it is an hour away. That doesn’t sound fun either. So I am still looking.

Anyway so that was our week.