Old and new…

I should start off by saying that if you couldn’t see my last post, don’t worry. A quick recap was Max hit the first ball that was tossed to him on Saturday’s game. Next time up he had to use the T. *** NEW *** I forgot to mention in that post that he got the game ball!

My aunt posted to Facebook some old photos of me and my parents when they were either dating or still married. I thought that I saw a bit of my boys in the photos of me. You tell me what you think.

I see Nathaniel in this. Tony saw Max.

I see Max in this.

Max all the way!

Totally Max!!

Neither of my parents look like this anymore. I can SORT of see them there but not really.

This looks like Nathaniel to me too.

My dad played the guitar a lot when I was little.

I love this photo of my mom. My dad looks a bit silly to me.

I am the one on the right. I think this reminds me of Max because one shoe is tied and the other isn’t. Ha ha! My cousin in the other swing had a baby 4 months before I had Nathaniel. It was her first child… also a boy. 

Now to new things… IMG_3545 IMG_3551 IMG_3557 IMG_3558

Max has another T-ball game tonight. I will post video of that sometime after that.