Max’s first t-ball game!

There was an opening day ceremony in the morning. Max is the tall one in yellow.


He is very proud of his uniform and that he is number 9 (Ted Williams number! Lets hope Max can hit the ball!).



His game was in the afternoon. Max was like his teammates and looking at anything but the ball or the game when on the field. It seemed the coaches biggest job was to get them to pay attention to the game. You will see a bit of what I mean in Tony’s video.

Max’s first at bat!!

Second at bat!!!

Next, here is Nathaniel climbing and crawling.

Nathaniel climbing!

Max had a good weekend and it was fun for him to do T-ball. This weekend is Red Sox/Yankee’s series so hopefully I can get him to watch some of it with me. I know, I can dream right? The weekend was hard on Nathaniel though. Can’t have everything. Hopefully things will get easier as we will not be as busy next weekend.