Is time going by faster or is it just me?

I can’t believe how long it has been since I posted on here. I tried to get on here on Saturday but life happened and well, we all know what happens when that happens.

A week ago today we had snow outside. Not a ton, but still shocking for late March. I was starting to wonder if we were going to have “the year without a summer”.

However the snow made it possible for me to make cookies! They are very tasty and I am considering them health food as they are made with almond flour and that is high in calcium. I need to make some more today… they are really good!

Max had fun at his first day of farm school last week. He honestly didn’t want to leave and wanted to explore the farm, which we could have done if it wasn’t 2 degrees outside plus the wind, and I had a VERY grouchy baby! Maybe today. I took Nathaniel out to the car while he was in his school (there was a chicken around that was giving me the evil eye… yes I suffer from Ornithophobia but so did Lucile Ball, so I feel I am in good company!). While there Nathaniel played in the rear.



However by Friday it had warmed up enough for us to go for a nice walk! So we did!

Max had had a rough day on Friday but by the end of it he was in a good mood.

Saturday, Nathaniel seemed to demand some more food, so I gave him peaches and let him have fun!


Then we went to Max’s t-ball practice. Max is still failing to get the concept of batting practice but here he is none the less.

I would have got more video of Max but Nathaniel was being a pill and I had to leave. This weekend is Max’s first game!

We finished up Saturday with Nathaniel dancing!

Sunday we had church and cooked up some meals for the week, including a grain free, dairy free lasagna. Yeah you read that right. It is really tasty, however it doesn’t make as much as a normal lasagna so we eat a whole dish in one meal. But I think it is very tasty!

Monday Nathaniel had a doctor’s appointment and got his HIB vaccine. He seemed to take it well, and the doctor is pleased with Nathaniel as far as growth and development. So that is good!

Yesterday we had a nice day again finally! YAY!! So I took the boys outside. Nathaniel gets so happy on the swing, it is hard not to take his photo!




Nathaniel also had a good nap and he looked so cute!

We have farm school again today so that should be fun. I think it is also suppose to be warm today, another plus!