What a week!

A week ago yesterday I got a 102.7 degree fever. While it went away rather quickly, it went away with night sweats and a severely diminished milk capacity. Yeah I was hit with a double Whammy there! So for the rest of the week I had to fear that not only was Larry (the cancer) back, but also that my sweet little boy may have to be weaned. This sent me into a bit of a depression that I only started to emerge from on Thursday as Nathaniel seemed to suddenly be getting more milk from me. YAY!!! However the night sweats continued until last night! So here I am. I now am feeling more or less 100% though Nathaniel does seem to have a bit of a cough. Thankfully he hasn’t got the cold that knocked me out at the end of last week and this week.

All of that made me want to do very little. My house is a pig sty and blogging was the last thing on my mind. However things are slowly going back to normal this weekend so I should be able to post more soon. We did have to call someone in on Monday to replace our waterline from last week. So now we have a plastic pipe connected to our copper plumbing. We still have yet to close that up.

This week ahead should be a good one with Max starting “farm school” on Wednesday. This is a 1 hour class that he will take for 8 week once a week. The first class is on classifying.

We will also be getting a bit more into science this week as this week we started his new science curriculum. Nathaniel will be getting immunizations on the last day of the month. So hopefully that will help him.

I did give Nathaniel peaches this morning. I will have to see how he does with them. Tomorrow I will likely not give him breakfast so we should be able to see clearly if he gets constipated or not.

Photos from the week. They are mostly self explanatory.




Nathaniel loves standing up in the play pen. He puts himself there. IMG_3391




Playing with Max’s cars. He is getting is own but they are coming from Canada so I am not sure when. IMG_3418








This was last night. Nathaniel wanted to go to bed at 8 and so I took him there, then he played. Here he is playing with the string to turn off the light. Eventually the string went away. IMG_3413


