Now we are having fun!

I guess I will start out with Friday, as Thursday wasn’t exciting. Ha ha!

Tony does Toastmasters every other Friday. Well on Friday night he had a speech for a contest and he got first place!

As you can see the speech was titled “What Is Your Life Worth?” and featured our daughter Emily in it. Tony said nearly the whole room was in tears when he finished and several people were amazed that Tony could talk about her death so openly. For him, as it is for me, it is more about keeping her memory alive. She did live, and she did have an impact in this world, just as her brothers did. He now will do the same speech at the area competition a week from this Saturday (March 15).

Next we go to Saturday where Max had ice skating:

You can see he was a bit cautious this time. Not sure why. He has one more week of ice skating before the rink closes for the season.

This weekend was also the start of T-ball. I am throughly impressed with T-ball. The facility is nice and they have this indoor area for the players to practice. So even though we have snow outside (this snow storm last night was a joke, we got maybe an inch) they can still learn. Here is Max hitting the ball and running (thankfully correctly this time) around the bases.

We went out after this and got him a mitt, bat, helmet, and 2 balls for him to practice with at home. We are now using the basement to help teach him how to catch the ball with his mitt. They use balls that are not whiffle balls anymore. They are pleather and have stitching on them and a bit foamy. He will have practice every week until the season starts in April. We will be doing fundraisers too with this but they don’t look too bad.

This brings us to Sunday.

Nathaniel is growing like a weed… at least mentally if not physically. Yesterday in church I decided it would be best to put him on the floor for a minute while I got his bottle ready. What did the little guy do? He got up on his knees and started to look through the open diaper bag! He is now crawling on all 4’s (and not just belly scooting) and getting up on his knees! Oh and did I mention that he isn’t even 14 pounds yet! It is like something clicked for him and off he went! I will try to get video of this later today or this week.

After church we came home and did our weekly cookup again. I thought if I were more organized that it would take less time. Nope! We still spent about 5 hours in the kitchen yesterday. However it was needed as we will be out 2 nights this week. One night for a parents meeting for T-ball, and then Ash Wednesday.

Busy week this week!