Cardiologist today…

My appointment went well today. Sadly Max’s DVD player decided to stop working today so considering that he didn’t have his primary entertainment device, he did VERY well.

My EKG was normal. He said that my heart sounded normal. He also said something about my cholesterol to which I replied that I am married to a man with his PhD in Biochemistry and he doesn’t believe in the “cholesterol hypothesis” or whatever it is called. Then I told him that we regularly consume lard in our house! I think this terrified him but I assured him that I wasn’t turning it into popcicles! Ha ha! Though I would love to make salad dressing from it!

He ordered a Echocardiogram on me that I had done today as well. I will find out in a few days what the results of that are. I assume my OB will tell me as she will likely know before I do. I see her on Tuesday morning.

I was also told that because of my chemo, I should see a cardiologist every 2-3 years. I will just add that to my list of doctors that I am on rotation with. Sad to think that at this point in life I have to see all the doctors I do!

Got a lot of sewing done yesterday, hope to get more done this weekend since we are under a heat advisory till Sunday night. Ugg!