36 weeks…

Well we got to term. At least term as my hospital defines it.

Here is how I feel Nathaniel is right now. Yeah he has arms and legs but I wasn’t going for accuracy. Just something fun!

Photo on 7-4-13 at 4.13 PM

I am now 43.5 inches around. I am feeling big but I know I am not as big as I was with Max. I am pretty sure Max is part giant. Ha ha! Nathaniel has been very active in the last 24 hours so I have been having fun. I think he was up for most of the night last night. Thankfully this isn’t normal.

Photo on 7-4-13 at 4.14 PM
I have been sewing a lot this week. I still have more to do, but all but one thing that I have to do is basic sewing. You know where you cut it out then serge the edge. I want to make 2 hooded towels, some washcloths and a few burp rags. I don’t remember what we used for burp rags with Max so I have to make some more.
Tomorrow I am going to the cardiologist. That should be fun. Especially since I will likely park at the hospital where they have one of those tight spirals to get out of the parking lot. Ugg! I don’t like doing that in the minivan but I will deal. Maybe I will just park in their parking garage (where the cardiologist is) if I can find it.