32 weeks!

Photo on 6-6-13 at 4.50 PM

Well I am calling myself at 42.5 inches this week. I may be a bit off because of my outfit, but it is close to that.

Nathaniel seems to be still doing well. Getting bigger and bigger I am sure! According to that chart from a few weeks ago, found here, Nathaniel should be 4 lbs 4 oz tomorrow. Lets see if that is accurate. He is getting so big! Tomorrow I have an ultrasound.

Today I had the MRI. It wasn’t fun! Laying flat while pregnant… this far, is a form of torture! I felt him on my stomach and I was thankful that it was empty or that could be VERY bad! Then for the MRI I needed to hold my breath several times to get the images. Okay, when I am not pregnant this is a inconvenience, when I am this pregnant this is nearly impossible! My lungs are compressed because of Nathaniel, so a “deep breath” is a relative term. Add to that he was kicking me at one point while I was holding my breath and this made me want to laugh! Not a good combination. They had me listening to easy listening music and I think I just discovered I am old. All the songs I recognized. Sadly one of the songs was Wonderful World, which some might remember was the song I sang to the triplets. This, of coarse made me weepy. At least I know the results though because of this song. I felt like it was my children telling me that everything is going to be okay.

I left the MRI just wanting to see my big boy. So I raced to the drop in center to get him. Sadly I don’t normally go that way and ended up on a surface street (thought I was on the interstate) and had to get back on the interstate. Not sure how that happened but oh well. Max was happy to see me and I took him to get a frosty at Wendy’s. Not on our diet, but still good none the less.

In other news, I am thinking seriously about piecing together a curriculum for Max next year. The thought of doing a common core curriculum scares me a bit. Though honestly the thought of the work involved in piecing something together also is scary! I think I have an idea of what I want though so we will have to see. I don’t have to decide now and Max is still 20 lessons away from finishing Kindergarden. I hope to make a BIG dent in this next week and if so, then we MAY be able to finish with it the following week. I think we are both in need of a break.