Sorry I haven’t written in a while. We have had a fun weekend outside this weekend. It appears to be getting warmer though it could just be the sun. The wind is cold. However my allergies are way up and they are so much fun because they are causing frequent nose bleeds. I am afraid to take anything for them being pregnant so I am just suffering. Hopefully the rains this week will make things better for me.
Yesterday when we were outside we saw that our barbecue grill is in VERY sad shape. The grill is a 2 sided grill with gas on one side, charcoal on the other. It also has a side burner. We got it that first summer after we moved into the house. The cover started getting in sad shape about 2 years ago and finally last year we had to throw it out. Now the whole gas side is rusting to the point that Tony thinks that he can push in with his hand in at least one part. Needless to say, we are using only the charcoal side of the grill now.
Well after coming to the realization that we will soon need a grill, we decided to take a walk to a store that sells The Big Green Egg that is a short distance away. This is a longer walk then I normally do lately but I felt fine so I thought I would try. I took it slow and had water with me and I did very well. No Braxton hicks contractions or anything. My feet swelled but honestly that happens just as easily at home. I was happy to feel normal again as I have been taking it so easy this pregnancy.
We decided that the next grill we get will be the big green egg. I can’t find any negative reviews about them online from anyone that actually owns one. Several people online complain about their cost, but honestly at this point I am tired of throwing good money after bad so I would love to have something that will LAST. They are an investment but I have started to do research and there are ways to cut costs and make (for instance) the table that the egg would sit in. It looks fairly easy and I know Tony would love to have another project like that. In the meanwhile the grill that we have isn’t in danger of collapsing in a rust heap yet, so we will use it for a bit till we can invest in something that will last a lifetime.
If anyone has any thoughts on the Big Green Egg please share them. I am thinking that the large size would be best for us, and I am debating on what accessories we need. I think some of that will depend on what comes with it if anything. Tony likes the idea of being able to grill year round here. Right now a good rain storm makes grilling impossible, even in the summer. I have read stories of people using the big green egg in snow storms.
Now to the photos. This is Max taking a nap on Friday.
And proof positive that it is spring, this is our Azalea bush!
we are all weather bbq’ers. we have one of the small table top weber gas grills and bbq in sun rain or snow. Glad to see you are doing well. the big day will be here before you know it!
Love ya