Nathaniel is viable!!!

Well we are at 24 weeks. By this point in the day I had already delivered the triplets. Nathaniel is happy and active today.

This first photo I took just because I was looking at the video monitor when I was measuring my belly today. I thought it was interesting that you can see the line where Nathaniel’s world begins and mine ends. Sort of cool if you ask me.

Photo on 4-11-13 at 11.26 AM

This shot makes me look smaller.

Photo on 4-11-13 at 11.26 AM #2

I am now 39.75 inches around. So up 1/2 inch since last week. Not bad. Nathaniel is likely around 1 foot long now. I am saying that not because of what “they” say, but because that is how big Alexander and Emily were. So it stands to reason that is how big he is. Yesterday he played with us a bit as he moved his hand across the womb feeling his world. I had Max feel this and I think Max realizes that there is a real baby in there now. Ha ha!

Next big date for Nathaniel is 6 weeks from today. Then he crosses the “I get to come home alive” date. I will have an ultrasound 4 weeks from tomorrow though so at least we get to see him before then.

Last night Max got a very belated gift from Tony’s aunt and uncle. I sort of like that we get this late gift. It makes it so it isn’t so overwhelming for him with September to December. Max got a Lego car and a book on dinosaurs. Best of all, he was able to open a box that was for HIM.

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