My car recycling container…

I know I may not be like most people, but in my van 2 things tend to collect, recycling and garbage. I am not really even sure how it gets there. Maybe my van eats trees when I am not looking and turns them into trash that I find inside the car. But it happens! What I would typically do is put all the trash in the garbage bag, and then leave the paper trash till… well tell the van got cleaned out. However with Nathaniel coming, I decided that I do not want Max to throw paper on his brother. So a better solution needed to be had!

This is what I came up with! I took a book box, left over from our move (4.5 years ago) and took off one of the sides of the lid. Taped around the upper edge and taped the other 3 sides of the top to the side to not be so bulky. I then took the top edge that I had removed and divided the box more or less in half. On one side I put 2 small slits on either end to look handles of those cheap plastic bags through as to create a complete waste bin that is open (easier for Max to aim for). The other side I left open to put recycling into it. So far it is working great and I like the lack of clutter in my van now… If only I could figure out a way of getting the non tossable trash back into the house automatically!
