I just love being me sometimes…

Yesterday I went to the dentist. I have pregnancy gingervits. Not really a surprise, I am bleeding VERY easily right now (being on low dose aspirin) so not a shock. While there I felt a little pain from the area where Larry (the cancer) was. I didn’t think much about it and it went away, but came back again then would go away and come back.

This morning I was still feeling it and so I thought it might be worth me contacting my OB about, just to be on the safe side. There are uterine arteries there in that area that feed and make sure Nathaniel is healthy so I want to error on the side of caution. Not thinking it was a big deal and in all honesty thinking it was scar tissue, I sent an email. I didn’t even call.

I got an email back and clearly the OB covering for my OB is related to Chicken Little! She seemed VERY concerned and told me to contact my oncologist TODAY! And then said if I have any bleeding or feel lack of movement to go to the ER RIGHT AWAY!!

I am one of those people that often thinks second, and does first. This is how grief hits me so I guess it shouldn’t be surprised that I am like this with everything. So I call my oncologist and leave a message with her secretary. I then sit back and think about what just transpired.

I just had a remission check at the end of February. The odds of my cancer coming back are NOT good  that I would actually be able to feel it. After all I couldn’t feel Larry even when he was HUGE. I then wonder why the OB would have me contact my oncologist. Wouldn’t the perinatologist be a better person to deal with?

So I call the office where I see my perinatologist (high risk OB). He isn’t in that office today, but the nurse hears what I have to say and she doesn’t seem THAT concerned, considering that Nathaniel is still a happy active baby in there. I am not bleeding and her first thought was it was scar tissue from the cancer. She wrote down what I told her and my peri will be getting in touch with me tomorrow when he is back in that office.

Basically what happened was I asked an innocent question, but when you have my history, nothing is innocent. A doctor who replied back to me, doesn’t know how easy going I am, and may not have read my full history. I mean seriously after loosing 3 kids, if I am not worried, then maybe they shouldn’t be either! I just wanted someone to confirm that at this gestation, the odds are I would be feeling pressure on my hips (a pregnant woman that feels pressure on her hips! Yeah that is a news story!!) and that may also include any scar tissue that is in that area. I imagine that my peri will say as much tomorrow when I talk to him.

So I get to have another adventure today and tomorrow. Nathaniel is having fun doing back flips (well maybe not actually but he doesn’t like the waistband of my pants right now) as I type this. I am more or less sure he is okay, but obviously when he is having a nap, I am not doing well! However I had the same issues with Max at this gestation so that is NOTHING new.

And just so you know, the dentist gave me a special fluoride to brush my teeth with and swish with. He said that it will cure my gingervitis in a couple of weeks at most. However it also might temporarily turn my teeth slightly yellow. Gingervitis though can cause preterm labor and that is the LAST thing I need at this point, so slightly yellow teeth is a small price to pay! The yellowing can be removed with a dental cleaning so it is only temporary.

I will update when I have more information. I am really needing a nap today but I know as soon as I fall asleep, my oncologist will call me back. I will also be updating tonight as today is Fenway’s birthday. He will be getting a bone. What more could a dog want? He is 3 years old today!