21 weeks!!

Well only 17 weeks left! Yeah I don’t think I am ready. That is 119 days. I guess that sounds better. Ha ha! Only 3 weeks or 21 days till viability though so then I get to breath a bit better for EVERY DAY beyond that.

Photo on 3-21-13 at 11.04 AM

I am only up to 38.5 inches this week. He is growing in there, but I think it is just getting a bit tighter for him. I have felt some BIG kicks from him. The counter to the right says he is the size of a banana. I think that is a little rude, so I like the idea of saying he is the size of a pomegranate.

My next OB appointment is Monday, and then I have to wait 4 whole weeks till the next appointment. I can’t believe I have NOTHING for 4 whole weeks coming up. I know it is just the calm before the storm, but why does it always have to happen when I am 24 weeks?? So I have an OB appointment on March 25 then the next one is on April 24. After that though I only have a 2 week wait so I guess that is good (May 10). What is even more amazing to me is that I have no other appointments either in that 4 week period. I have a dentist on Tuesday, Dermatologist on Friday. Then on April 25 I see my oncologist. Amazing how this worked out this time.