20 weeks 1 day, Nathaniel

Nathaniel with his head, body and a leg.

Nathaniel with his head, body, part of one leg and the other leg behind with foot.

Nathaniel with head, leg, part of foot and part of hand (guessing here). 

3.51 cm right foot!

I think this is showing his 2 legs and parts of foot. Clearly the one most in focus is his right sided. I think we may also be seeing a hand at the knee. 

Left foot. 

Legs over head!

Right hand!

Ultrasound went well today! Nathaniel had a strong heartbeat of 151 bpm. He seems to be growing normally and at one point had both hands to one side of the head. This got me excited because to me it makes me think that he is wired correctly! 🙂 I don’t know where he gets his limberness from, but clearly his is limber! Had his feet by his head, and hands mostly by his face or once even behind the head. He weighs 13 oz which puts him bigger then the triplets (he will be over 1 lbs. 1 oz at 24 weeks what they were born at) but on par with Max.

Uterus is expanding good and makes my doctor think that that is one less worry that we need to worry about. I am going to keep it on the prayer list though, because you never know with things like this. My uterine arteries are both within normal, with my right side being slightly better then my left. I thought this was odd as I got more radiation on my right. Perhaps I am a strange person and radiation actually is good for me… I blame being born in Washington. All that radiation from Hanford! Ha ha! Cervix is also good which I was glad to hear. After loosing the triplets I am always worried about that!

We get to see Nathaniel again on May 10th. I will be 28 weeks 1 day then. Then I think he said that I have 2 weeks before I start getting weekly checks by either him, or my OB to check for fetal distress, or signs of labor.

So all is good!


  1. Anonymous

    Aww, loved the pictures!!
    Can’t wait to see him in your arms..

    So happy for you guys!!


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