19 weeks!!

Photo on 3-7-13 at 10.41 AM Photo on 3-7-13 at 10.41 AM #2

I am now 37.75 inches around. Nathaniel is growing and is a mango or grapefruit right now. If I had to guess, I would say a grapefruit because I have been eating enough of it lately! Ha ha!

I can’t wait to see him next week but we are doing okay in the meanwhile. He is sleeping a lot during the day and I think he parties at night. I wake up to his movements at times.

I have been feeling well since Tuesday so that is good. I have been spending my brain power figuring out carseats. Not fun. However I think I got it figured out for everything now. I just need to finish sewing things for Max then I can start on making things for Nathaniel.

That is about all that is going on right now.