Today and last night…

Well I made my first call to the OB today for something other then an appointment. Last night I felt stretching of my abdominal muscles above my belly button. I didn’t think much of it at first, but then I realized that it was lasting a while so I laid down for a bit and it went away. Then this morning I felt MILD pressure down below. Being optimistic but knowing everyone around me is scared, I thought it best to call the doctor.

I found out everything is fine and honestly I am feeling fine. I believe I felt all of this with Max, but it was almost 5 years ago so it is hard to remember. Really wish I would have taken daily notes with him! However live and learn. I took it easy (more so then normal) today and I plan on doing much the same tomorrow. I am at that scary point for me now and so I think this is for the best. Now if I can just find a good baseball bat to hit me upside the head till my ultrasound a week from Friday, I will be doing VERY well. Ha ha!
