OB today..

I went to the OB today. Nathaniel seems to be doing normally. He was sleeping as he has been most of the day. I think he is figuring out when big brother is misbehaving that he should be good.

I asked about becoming a case study and I guess I need to talk to my peri about that. So that I will in 2 weeks. I also found out because of my history I need “special blood” if I need a blood transfusion with the birth. This is because of the history of lymphoma. Doesn’t really surprise me but it does complicate things a bit further for them.

Max has been a nightmare since about 20 minutes before we got home till about an hour ago. One meltdown lead into another and before I knew it 4 hours had passed.

Next appointment is 2 weeks from Friday for my level 2 ultrasound. However for me my next big date is 2 weeks from today when I am 19 weeks 5 days, the gestation of the triplets when I got problems with them.

ETA I forgot to mention one thing that the OB said to me. She asked me again if I refuse all genetic testing. I said yes, unless the neonatologists need something. She said it would be more for me then for them. I told her I would be more worried also if I wasn’t delivering at a Level 3 NICU hospital but I am so I am not. She said it would be more for me then for them. I guess what she was more afraid of if the baby is born with downs syndrome or something. I may want someone to talk to about it. I replied to her that when Emily was in the hospital she ended up dying in, we were told that if some miracle she pulled through, she would likely be hospitalized her whole life. Which honestly I would love for her to only be in a hospital now. I said to my OB, once you get told that, how hard is down’s syndrome really? Besides they did a NT (the measurement test that do at around 12 weeks via ultrasound) at 14 weeks and Nathaniel came back normal. So I think he is fine.