16 weeks…

Photo on 2-14-13 at 12.16 PM

Well just as I thought. I am 37 inches around this week. Big shock!  Nathaniel is kicking fairly regularly and that is making me feel a bit better but not much. I think I am expecting my little avocado to kick like Max did at the end. I know, I am being silly!

My symptoms are fairly constant. I get nausea easily if I don’t eat regularly, or if I am brushing my teeth. I remember the later with Max. He even hated when I went to the dentist (which is next month for me). I get tired fairly easily but I am not too worried about that right now. I was able to make it all day on Tuesday without a nap so I think it is just my body’s way of making sure I don’t over do it.

Other then that not much happening. I am still doing research as to what I want for little Nathaniel but that is about it. It feels funny to do research too because I have so many doctors worried about him and me but honestly I feel fine, pregnant, but fine. Next ultrasound is on Monday but it isn’t to see him so we will see if I get any souvenirs.