Well we are 90% certain that he is. He doesn’t have a name yet. That is our big project this weekend. I don’t like to know gender without a name. In fact with the triplets we had a girl name and a boy name when we went in to find out gender, and on the way out we figured out the last boy name (Alexander). My Perinatologist (who told me when I was 30 weeks 6 days with Max that if he was born at 38 weeks he would be 8 lbs at birth… he was 8 lbs 1 oz) told me the odds today of him being correct. So I feel that it might as well be 100% certainty at this point.
He, who will be named later, had his arms and hands in front of his face for much of the ultrasound. He has short arms (measuring 13 weeks 6 days when I am 14 w 1 d), and short legs (measuring 13 w 6 d) and a big belly (14w 2d I think) and big head (14w 6d). Yep he is my boy!! My father’s family is known for their big heads. All told they were calling him measuring 14w 3d so that is good for the c-section being early.
He was a wiggle worm in there and to my relief I didn’t feel him moving much in the ultrasound. So I guess all of that is normal. The placenta and my uterus are both boring, which is a relief.
I have tried to explain to Max what is happening. He was busy playing with my phone during the ultrasound (didn’t even notice the big screen above his head to the left!!). I told him that this means he will have someone to play cars with in the future. He liked that idea but I think when push comes to shove, he probably will not be so happy to share said cars.
We are still going to hang on to all of the things we had for Emily. I am not quite ready to get rid of them even though this is our last embryo. I am sure there will be a day when I can, but it isn’t right now. However with a boy means that my shopping list suddenly got a lot smaller! Which I am sure Tony is very thankful for.
Next ultrasound is in 2 weeks (from this Monday) but it isn’t a baby ultrasound so I am unsure what I will learn.
I will let you know when we figure out a name!
I’m so excited!!! Boys are so awesome, as you know. Big heads is an understatement. Eddie’s head was like a bowling ball…LOL
Congratulations! So I have a question, and if it’s too personal, you can just let me know. Why don’t you get more eggs? Is it not possible to have more?