Musings of Max….

There was Max being Max in random order!
Yesterday I went to the dermatologist to have 2 moles checked out. They were both “shaved” and I should get the results in a couple weeks. They said that if I really needed to know next week, I could call the office and they should be able to tell. To me that would be my final “go/no go” for our last cycle. I should be seeing my oncologist a week from Wednesday. So hopefully everything will fall into place!
Yesterday I made split pea soup with one of our ham hocks. I don’t think there a better soup! That along with our dehydrated soup veggies that we got from Frontier… Heaven!
We had a good time over the weekend. LOTS more canning, and we went and got Max more clothes (see outfit in the car shots). He loves his new duds and he looks so Spiffy! We also did a rare feat, we went to Whole Foods, didn’t pay attention to our budget, and didn’t spend over $100! I think it was a miracle!
We also had fun talking with the pastor about converting. I learned some things about Tony and I was a bit shocked to learn some of them. Clearly he has been thinking about this for longer then I thought! We came away with a copy of the small catechism, with explanation. This year, on “Halloween” I will donate some of my time remembering my grandfather who died on that day 4 years ago, and we will celebrate “reformation day (Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses’ on that date in 1517)” and eat german food while watching Luther. Tony and I have never liked halloween. 
Well that is about all for now.