
Here are some random photos of Max I had on my phone. Most of them are from last night. 
We are hanging in there. Sunday we made 7 quarts and 1 pint of apple pie filling. Tony now thinks he is going to get apple pie all winter long. I told him it could be used for other things though. So I will have to share when I make an apple pie with our pie filling. 
We are looking forward to starting our conversion process this Saturday to convert to Lutheran. To me it is just in time as Tony and I both don’t like Halloween, so this year it will be all about the reformation. I guess I should start researching things we can do as a family on reformation day. 
Honestly our lives are rather calm right now. I scheduled a long overdue dermatologist appointment for me on Monday just to make sure I am still good there. I would assume so but I would like to make sure. On the weekends we tend to process produce that we get from the CSA. Autumn is always the time that crops come in (as well as summer) so we are having fun with that. November will bring an end to that till next May. I started packing away toys outside today. It is October and it is time to start thinking about winter… if we get one this year.
Tonight Tony and I are both looking forward to playing debate bingo. We found free cards online (google is wonderful sometimes) and Tony might turn his into a drinking game as well. Honestly if I wasn’t so close to cycling I would do the same!
That is about all I have for now!