Freecycling is my friend!

Yesterday I got off to a late start, and I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to go out or not. However I did end up leaving the house at about 10 am to go and get the minivan’s oil changed. Turns out we also need to get the timing belt change so it will be going back on Sunday and I will take Tony to work on Monday so I can have a car. 
However before I left the house I heard from my oncologist! She said that I can have a frozen embryo transfer before I see her again. YAY! Then I asked her if Max could have his chicken pox vaccine since I am not immune, nor NOT immune, to chicken pox anymore and I can’t get the vaccine. She had to think about this for a minute as she normally tells patients that they shouldn’t be around someone who got this vaccine for a week as it is a “live” vaccine. Obviously that isn’t possible for me as I am his primary caretaker. After some thought though, she said that I am at greater risk if he doesn’t get the vaccine as he could get the actual illness and that poses a bigger threat to me. There is a SLIGHT risk that I could get the chicken pox from him so we just need to watch out for that. 
Well yesterday I posted on our local Freecycle that I need a stroller for Max as the one we have, you might remember, broke and needs to be repaired. While I was at the place getting our oil changed, I heard from someone that had a stroller (I actually know her from a mom’s group that we are part of). I also saw from another person, that they had a bulletin board available. I decided that I needed both for Max!
I was shocked when I picked up the stroller. It is so nice! It is large but hey, anyone that has seen our current stroller knows that large isn’t scary to me when it comes to strollers. As far as I can tell, it has only 2 flaws. The basket underneath is missing a clip to keep the basket closed in the back. I think I can repair this with just velcro. Also the stroller is missing the clip to keep it closed when folded. This I don’t think I will bother with unless we take it on a trip or something. In that case I can use a small bungy cord. The seat even reverses. The stroller says it is only rated to 40 lbs and Max is over that. However for a free stroller it is great! The worse that would happen is this stroller would break then I wouldn’t be out much. 
Here is the bulletin board. As you can see it is large. I wanted something big for Max’s school work. 
While I was looking for the address for the stroller, I heard from Max’s pediatrician about getting his vaccines soon. To my shock they were able to get him in right away! So yesterday after all of this we went to the pediatrician and Max got his Flu, MMR and Chicken Pox vaccines. Max was VERY brave. The first 2 went in well and he reacted to them going in but didn’t cry. The third must have really hurt as he reacted to that one more strongly and was in tears afterwords but not crying (if that makes sense). I think he is used to seeing me get things done so he doesn’t think much of it when he gets things done now. He felt he needed to be as brave as mommy!
Last night Max was up a lot. We think it was because of these immunizations as we know he was tired (lack of nap yesterday). Hopefully tonight will be better.