This last weekend and…


Well I made it though Saturday. I didn’t really know what to expect but we had fun. We went to a farm and a nearby village to look around. So that was fun. Yesterday we cleaned the basement, a feat as Max had found my old ground rice from when he was a baby (not cooked), and thought it was sand and made a HUGE mess in the basement with it. So we vacuumed that all up. Then we primed a headboard we got recently from Freecycle. Hopefully we can paint it and install it before I do the next FET.

Today I had my blood test and I had a beta of 5. So I am no longer considered pregnant. The plan is for me to go back to the doctor on Thursday to check that my uterus is clear (ultrasound) and then perhaps I can start back on estrogen that night. I am a bit scared about being off estrogen this long but I think I will be okay. It will be 2 weeks on Friday.

That is about all that is happening with me. It is a nice day out here so I have the windows open to air out the house. It has been so long since I could do this with our continuous heat waves that it is very nice to have the house open again. I really hope we get a fall this year.