Okay there it is! I will get another photo (I think) of the baby that they transfer into me today. I will be on pelvic rest for the majority of the rest of the week. So any updates will be from my phone unless I decided to do differently. With Max I felt implantation so if I start feeling that regularly I may be up for doing more. Oh and we are doing just a single embryo transfer this time. With Max and Baby D we did 2 embryo transfer. Statistically I have about the same odds of success, though when your like me and don’t understand statistics, it is hard to think that way. Also there is a chance that one (or more, GULP!) embryos will not survive the thaw today. So today I may loose one of the 5 embryos I have become sooooooo attached to over the last years and whom I fought so hard to allow to come home with mommy. However I do have friends that have had a 100% thaw survival so I am hoping for that too!
Max knows a bit of what is happening and he really wants to be a “big brother” so I think he should be good. The worst part really will be getting him from the drop in center as he loves it there. However I have M&M’s and he loves those so hopefully that will make him gladly leave. Lets hope! Tony can’t come with me as he has to work.
My love and prayers are with you as you have the transfer and through the days and months ahead.
Hi 3ladybugs!
It’s Rachell, I cycled on fertile thoughts a couple times and you were an amazing bc! I was just on FT looking for the post transfer embryo cycle chart and found some of your posts. I decided to click on your blog for the first time and here you are…embryo transfer day…just like me! I can’t believe that I decided to check in on you on your exact transfer day! Crazy! I’m so glad to see that your doing well and are pupo…awesome 🙂 I actually moved on to DE and had a bfn for my fresh in may, just transferred 1 fozn blast today. Did you ever join another forum? Praying for peaceful 2wws and beautiful babes 🙂 Congratulations! !