CSA and my volume scan!

CSA for this week

This week we got:
A bunch of beets with greens
4 heads of lettuce
3 quarts of strawberries
A quart of green beans
A quart of peas
5 garlic scapes
A big bunch of scallions
A bunch of dandelion greens
2 zucchini

Tony will be helping me tonight with preserving some of this. I think we will also make some zucchini bread as well.

Max having fun on the trailer at the farm!
Max got a duck the other day with his own money (for being a good boy).
Today I had another volume scan of my uterus. I don’t know much about it as the doctor needed to talk to the doctor who ordered the test. If you remember my Perinatologist ordered this test and my reproductive endocrinologist performs the test. However I was able to get out of other people that this test went WAY better then the last time. They wouldn’t say any more then that but they did order the bloodwork that I normally get when I first go there. So that is a BIG vote of confidence in this whole process! It was even funny to me because before I had the scan done, I was talking to the ultrasound tech as she was doing a baseline incase this test was better, she was the one that first found Larry (the lymphoma), and I told her that I don’t believe I would be given 5 frozen embryos without a way to get them. I could tell she was humoring me and asked if I had thought about gestational carriers or what not. I told her I had and that they are WAY too expensive for us. Some estimates are $80,000 or more! After the test, she was the one that told me that  the volume was more, and was much more positive. She even asked me if I was getting blood work done that day for a baseline. She was just doing the baseline before, to cover her bases. 
I should be hearing from them soon as to how things worked out with this test. They are having me go back on estrogen (needed since I am in menopause) tonight. They can keep me there for a few weeks so I am not too worried right now. 
There is a bit of testing that they will need to do on me to make sure that they are doing everything they can to make it so I can have a healthy pregnancy and to comply with standards of care with IVF and Frozen Embryo Transfers. However if this test is as good as they say it is, I may be able to do my transfer at the end of July after my oncologist appointment in mid July. We will have to see.