My mom took this photo of me and Max from Florida the other day. You got to love technology that you can take a photo of someone from a non-neighboring state!!
Today’s appointment went well. The doctor said that “this is good news”. So I am going to take it at that. I have no idea how thick my lining was because I couldn’t cheat today and watch the ultrasound being done. This ultrasound tech was different then the normal one. I did have to get blood drawn from my hand (Ewwwe!!) but that is because I still have a bruise from the last blood draw last week. The low dose aspirin helping me bruise even easier then normal! Not fun for me! My family has a history of easy bruising. Oh well, anything for another little baby!
I go back on Tuesday for my next scan. I am assuming by then I should be just about ready to go to progesterone as my lining should hopefully be as fluffy as a blankie!
Max and I went out today to get a few little items for our trip “with Yogi bear” as Max is calling it. I got Max a little chair that has a dog on it, and I got another adult chair. We have one chair but we needed another one. I also got a stick to put in the ground to tie Fenway to, and a leash for that. And I got 2 marshmallow roasters. Not entirely on our diet (though I do know how to make them to be on our diet), but Max can’t go camping for his first time and not roast a marshmallow. We still need to get either a grill for over the fire pit, or a camp stove. At this point I am leaning to the grill for over the fire. It has less parts that can break and we cook with cast iron anyway at home. I would imagine that cooking with a camp stove with cast iron wouldn’t be fun. Though I guess I could be wrong about that. I might think about getting Tony a percolator too. He needs coffee most mornings.
Well that is all for now. This weekend we don’t really have plans though Tony has his first paid day off in over a year! Yay! I hope everyone has a good weekend if I don’t post again before then!
Hi Jennifer,
Such a cute picture of you and Max!
Praying that all continues to go well on the journey to your next baby.
Your upcoming camping trip sounds like fun. We have been a beach camping family for MANY years. Our kids grew up camping and now so are our grandchildren. Makes for many wonderful memories and lots of fun! Agree that you can’t go camping w/o marshmallows!
Have a nice weekend too. Rowena