The game of keeping the patient in the dark….

I find that this is often the case. Doctors don’t want you to worry until really, it is almost too late.

So the other day I had my consult with my RE and he said that the Perinatologist had wanted some tests done to see if everything from his stand point was fine. Those tests being a volume test of my uterus, and a Uterine artery scan and flow rate, yata, yata, yata. Yeah that last one I have never heard of and I hang out in circles where I would likely see it.

So today I go in, not really knowing why I am there but thinking he just wanted to make sure he didn’t see anything a miss on an ultrasound. Well I was half right. I went in to get the tests done that the Perinatologist wanted. So slightly different.

I also brought Max in today. The ladies in the office wanted to see him and so I thought that a late Thursday morning would be good as to not offend other someday mommies. I told Max that if he was good at this appointment, he would get a surprise. He excitedly asked “A baby??” I informed him that that was sort of the truth and asked if he wanted a brother or a sister. He said a sister. I took him in, and then found out about the procedures and thought “I hope Max makes it through this okay”. Well thanks to a game I downloaded on the i-phone he did very well! He was playing while the doctor and techs were working on me. It was quite a long appointment and I was impressed by how well he did.

As we were leaving and about out the door Max asked where his sister was. It was sort of one of those stop everything moments. He really thought that I was going to be handed his sister at that appointment if he was good. He knew he was good, so where is his sister? I informed him that they don’t hand them out there and took him out to the car.

I noticed on the way back he was a bit sad. I tried to tell him that the baby has no seat so we wouldn’t be able to take them home. He looked sad again and I said “Do you think the baby came with a seat?” He said yes. He is fine now but I think he is starting to get a bit of what Tony and I have went through for years.

I should get the results of the tests tomorrow by phone call from my doctor. I feel like this should be my last hurdle before starting the real testing for my frozen embryo.