A few answers and a questions too…

Well I saw the RE and the office. They were all happy to see me and everything. RE told me that he needs to measure my uterus volume (special ultrasound I guess) and then check my “uterine artery”. Not sure what that is but it needs to be good for me to maintain a pregnancy. I will also have other testing that needs to be done. I will go back to see him on Thursday for a preliminary evaluation as I am off the Nuvaring right now.

Before I went today, I called my oncologist to ask about the whole Vit. E and what my max dose is of it daily. My RE wants me to have 150 IU of it daily, however my oncologist doesn’t want me to have it at all!! All prenatals have it so I have to make my own I guess! Maybe the doctors can confer with one another and come up with a solution!

I will be meeting with a nutritionist soonish too. She is going to probably flip when she hears what I eat though honestly I eat better now then I have ever done in my life. We will see if she still likes me at the end of that visit. 

Max had fun at the drop in center and didn’t want to leave. Too bad for him we did have to leave. Not much else going on at the moment. Just trying to take it one day at a time for a bit.