This and that…

This is a look into how packed our basement is right now. 

 Sadly I forgot to take before photos of our floors. I know I kept telling myself to do it and I forgot.

This is Max and Tony on the bed looking at the hotel book at our hotel.

 Max and daddy swimming!!

 I told Max to take a nap today and this is how he fell asleep. Yep I think he really enjoys being in a hotel.

I checked in on the house today and they had put the first coat down on the floors. I just opened the doors to see the entryway and I got hit with a smell that smelled like a million oranges of death!! I went around back to get into the kitchen (which was sealed off) and it smelled dreadful too! I will have to air out the house when we get home!

I found a benefit of the Sleep Number bed today that I never really thought of. When we took apart the bed we were hit with marks Max had left there when he was co-sleeping with us and peeing in bed. So today I went to the dry cleaners to get Tony’s pants. In passing I asked him if they could clean this cover. It zips off so I thought it was worth a try. To my shock it can be cleaned! Best of all it would only be $20 to $30 (he thinks… he needs to see it)! You can bet what I am going to do when we get home!