I have felt really bad about not posting on here. Trust me it has been weighing on me heavily.
As you might have seen me elude to, we have a typical 3 year old boy. He has been challenging us non stop since he has been born, but recently it became a HUGE challenge. Tony and I realized that we needed to change something, so we decided to get the book “123 Magic” and apply those parenting ideas to him. At first everything went well and we truly did think it was “magic”. However after a few days Max tested us even harder then when we were doing nothing! I had 2 or 3 mornings last week when I had to put him in time out for about 30-40 minutes. Not all at once, but where I would put him in time out, then he would get out and immediately he would start misbehaving. This would result in another time out. To say this was exhausting was an understatement.
About Wednesday of last week Tony sent me a simple text message saying that we will not be able to travel out of state for medical care when we get our health insurance in April. This sounds like a simple thing but it sent me into a tale spin as all of my doctors except for the one that actually has our embryos, is out of state. So I had to find replacements and talk to secretaries of doctors to figure out what to do. I really do plan on getting pregnant in August assuming my April scan is clear so I had a lot of doctors to go over with this. I more or less have that figured out now, though there are a few issues I still need to resolve. Namely my Peri only delivers in a neighboring state although he has offices in our state. So he may have me delivered by another doctor in this state. I am also waiting on scripts for my next scan so I can make that appointment.
If that were not enough, I have been having severe scan anxiety about the upcoming said scan. I don’t know but because we came so close last time to going through with the cycle, only to get diagnosed with cancer, I am terrified of it happening again. I know that my next scan is a PET scan and the last PET scan I had wasn’t stellar. It was done in May and my oncologist was able to determine that I was getting ill before I even knew I was ill. Everything turned out okay but that in combo with this scan is making me terribly fearful of it. I will have another scan in August right before my embryo transfer but it will only be a CT scan (or maybe an MRI) so the odds of that being a false positive are not as high as with the PET. You would think with how busy I have been I would be okay with forgetting about the scan, but sadly that isn’t the case. It is sort of like being 9 months pregnant and forgetting that you are. It just isn’t happening.
Last week Tony was also out of the house every night except for Tuesday and Wednesday and I was out on Wednesday. So home life wasn’t normal. This week should be much better with that.
This week is equally as busy but with Max behaving better it should be easier. Today we are not doing much though Saturday we got a new dishwasher (Tony is getting tired of doing our dishes by hand) and we got a new computer when Tony almost threw our 8 year old computer (yep you read that right, we got that computer in April of 2004) out the window. We were hobbling along with 3 computers that were not running right. All three (though not all 3 were 8 years old) had something wrong with them. This computer will replace 2 of our desktops and we hope to get another computer for me this summer. We got an iMac with a Terabyte of memory… which I am told is a ton! The computer takes up WAY less space then the other 2 so I am happy there. I want to get rid of this HUGE desk in our office to make more room for when guests come as our office and our guest room is the same room.
The dishwasher will be installed on Wednesday. We did find out something that should you be in the market for a dishwasher you might look to see if it is true in your state… provided you don’t live in Oregon or New Hampshire (I think those are the only states without sales tax). If you have your dishwasher installed by who you purchase it from, you don’t pay sales tax on the dishwasher, just the installation and warranty (if you get an extended one). I guess this is because it is considered “built in”. So that was nice to save a bit there. We also found out that Kenmore is manufactured by both Kitchen Aid (Whirlpool) and Bosch. So if you are like me and anti-Kitchen Aid, you need to make sure you have a good sales guy with you! We ended up with a straight Bosch.
Thursday my mom and step father come in for a whirlwind (not to be confused with Whirlpool) visit. They get in at 6 pm Thursday and leave Saturday at 12 noon. So that should be fun.
Now that we have a iMac I am hoping that issues that I had with uploading videos to the blog will go away. Our afore mentioned 3 computers wouldn’t talk to one another and none of them really wanted to talk to the iPhone. So it was becoming an issue for me and updating the blog. I will be testing that out later as I got some video of Max playing at the mall on Saturday.
In other news I have decided to become a leader (will be co-leader) to our local Holistic Mom’s Network chapter. The current leader does it all herself and is looking for help. This is something I can see myself doing even when pregnant and beyond so sent in my paperwork last week and tomorrow I have my phone interview. I hope I pass it! It is volunteer so I don’t see how I could “fail” it but it should be interesting! I think they just want to make sure I am holistically minded… which if you have been reading the blog for a while, you would see that I am.
I should also mention that yesterday (the second Sunday since we started the 123 Magic program) Max didn’t need to be taken out of church THE WHOLE TIME!! First time ever! I should also mention that Max counts down the minutes till he can go to Sunday School. It is really sweet and makes me thankful that we are going to a church that has that for him.
Well that is all for now. Sorry for the wordy post but I realized I needed to do this to explain things. Oh and by the way, next week I am going to start transitioning Max to his own room again. Max has been sleeping on the floor in our room since about August and it is time he is back in his own room before I wake up with morning sickness and step on him on the way to the bathroom! Or worse, when the next baby comes and we are all trying to fit on the queen size bed! Yikes!
It’s perfectly normal to be nervous about scans; I’ll be praying that all goes well for you. It’s nice that Max is enjoying Sunday School so much and that he looks forward so much to going there. I hear you on the computer issue–with us, its printers. The computer won’t talk to the printer, or the printer won’t talk to the other computer, so we need to get one of our friends in to see what’s going on. I love reading your blog, but don’t think I’ve ever commented. I have to ask, why are you anti Kitchen-Aid. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the new dishwasher. Have a good week!