This is my metaphor.
Today Max and I went down to a drop in child care center not far from where at least 2 of my doctors are. I figure with the amount of appointments I am thinking I will have, having a place that I can reliably take Max to and he can have fun while I am… more often then not, waiting; would be a great thing.
I was trying to figure out a way to express what having this means to me. Then as I was driving home, I saw it. As a family our lives are going to be sort of like this stretch of highway. Long, with caution markers on the sidelines and then a bend in the road at the very end where hopefully there is a light! Hopefully our life will be as boring as this stretch of road. Sure there are caution markers off to the side, but it is a NEW road! How boring can that be? Even the trees are boring off to the side of the road. The sky is a bit exciting with the scattering of clouds, to me that is the fun that we will have along said road. The lack of cars going my direction is how lonely we will feel during much of this time. What this photograph doesn’t show is the stack of cars behind me. The support that I receive from everyone who hears our story.
Anyway, Max had fun at the center for the brief time I was there and they seemed really nice and the center was clean and secure. They feed the children organic snacks and breakfast (if they are there) and lunch we would provide. As it is right now I just have him going for my PET scan and my Peri appointment. Those are a week apart from each other and at opposite ends of the day so I don’t think he will need lunch… at least not at this time.
I have a million things to fill out with paperwork and we need to get Max in for a well child visit so I can get the doctor to fill out some things too.
So one more thing checked off my to do list for our “over the rainbow baby”!
Things to do for “over the rainbow baby”:
1. Schedule PET scan for April
2. Schedule Oncologist for after PET scan
3. Pass the PET scan NED!!!
4. Schedule Peri (high risk OB) appointment
5. Schedule RE consult appointment
6. Find child care for Max for appointments
7. Schedule Cardiologist appointment
8. Schedule well visit for Max – fill out paperwork for child care
9. Tony needs to get health insurance to help pay for most of the above. Ha ha!
10. Call oncologist to get antibiotic before PET scan so I don’t have another false positive one that freaks us both out!
This is all I can do so far. Once April comes though I imagine it will get busier!