Why we started eating the way we do now…

It may surprise you to learn how we started eating this “crazy” way we do. It all started when I was thinking about what I am going to do, when I get a PET scan after I deliver the next child. I assume I am going to have to pump and dump for a while after the scan, since I don’t want to give my new baby, radioactive milk. So I asked online what I should do, or what others have done before me. Someone suggested that I contact the local Holistic Moms Network and see if any one there would be able to help me when the time comes.

So off I went looking into them. Turns out there was a chapter in my county and I went to an open playgroup with Max. Shortly thereafter, I was put onto an email list and found out about a presentation called “Nourishing Our Children”. It was a bit of a distance away but I wanted to go to it and knew if I brought Max I wouldn’t be able to hear it. Tony couldn’t get home in time so I told him to meet me there and take Max home with him.

So Tony fought massive amounts of traffic to get there and decided that there was no way he was going to fight that again, so he decided to stay… reluctantly.

We watched the presentation and it all made sense to us. It was like suddenly all the things I had heard about diets that I thought was “off” or “didn’t sound right” to me were brought into focus and these people were saying the same things!! We came home with a feeling that we should change the way we should eat and started ASAP!

Today, Nourished Kitchen, who publishes our meal plans that we get every week, posted to her blog the first 20 minutes of the presentation we saw that night. I watched it again this afternoon and I think if you were to see it, you too would see why we made a 180 turn in the way we were eating.


I know this isn’t a photo today. However it is on the topic of the day, the way we eat now. I also think that if I can get a few of you to watch a 20 minute video I shouldn’t press my luck with photos. Ha ha!

If you do watch it, please do share what your thoughts are on it.