
As you can see this is Max. Today he tried Huckleberry jam (or huckleberries for that matter) for the first time. He said the jam was too sweet but ate most of what we gave him. He just didn’t want anymore. I used to go huckleberry picking in the mountains in Washington. It is very fun to do and an activity that I hope to allow Max to do one time when we go out there. Sadly though the season is WAY short and not always predictable. They grow wild out there though so that is always fun!
The top photo is of Max at church yesterday. He got a snack stuck on the roof of his mouth I believe. We met with the pastor on Saturday and have decided to get more active in this church. We have serious issues with the Catholic church, some of which are around the whole IVF issue. I personally don’t want to be judged when I am going through my next pregnancy when I ask for prayers so this was really needed for me. Tony has his own issues for wanting to leave. So on Sunday Tony will start bible study and Max will start Sunday school. I will be with Max as I am not sure how he is going to do in that situation. We checked out the classroom for Sunday school and Max can’t wait to go. So that is a good sign. The church is a Missouri Synod Lutheran Church.