Max and eggs…

Tonight we had turkey/sweet potato hash with a fried egg. It is a great recipe though Tony and I both felt that it would have made a better breakfast then dinner. Oh well it was good anyway.

So Max eats is fried egg and BEGS for more! He throws a fit and we don’t back down and eventually after we have finished our meals he finally eats a bit of the hash and then he gets his second egg. He goes straight for the yolk and eats that first. However he loves it all and eats the white as well. It is amazing to me to see him like this as I am sure many of my family can remember when I never ate eggs. I think I didn’t eat them for about 20 years. I just didn’t like them at all. Now I eat them but as a child it was a different story. Nice to see Max doesn’t have this past negative trait!


Oh and by the way, the table is decked out with our new table cloth that I stitched the edge of and we have matching napkins of. You can see a candle in the photo but that is a felt candle. It is a felt advent wreath for children to learn from.