
Max didn’t want his photo taken today. He is eating a rather loose custard that I made. I don’t normally make custard so I guess it is only natural that I messed it up. It does taste good though! You might also notice that I moved a card table into the kitchen and we have been eating in there. I also raided my fabric scraps and found 2 scraps that I turned into a table cloth. It isn’t perfect but it will work. It also has an added benefit of making us eat together as a family without watching TV. So we are talking to each other more!

Today we got 1/2 of a pig. It is woodlot pork. We got about 70 lbs or so including 9 lbs of bacon! We are looking forward to digging into it!

All told we had a pretty good weekend. I was able to get Tony to take his mind (sort of) off of his job search. Tomorrow he will go back to the grindstone and I will do things with Max. So till then!
